Meet our
Biblical Counselors.



Vickie Anderson has been counseling as a Certified Biblical Counselor for 24 years. She opened Temple Care in 2007 with a heart to help those that are looking for direction in their life. Each of us come to a crossroad in our life in need of someone that can listen, care and guide through the struggles. She believes that we are all in a spiritual battle and guides clients through the battle to be an overcomer. God cares, hears and has an answer for each struggle. Ephesians 6:10-12


Independent Counselor


With a heart for everyone to know they are beloved to their Creator, Falen pursued certification in Biblical Counseling. Falen met her husband when she was 15 years old, and together they are raising three young adult children. She loves the inexhaustible depth of God’s Word and has facilitated Bible Studies for almost 20 years. Falen lives to encourage others to their full potential in Christ.


Independent Counselor


Liz is a Certified Biblical Counselor, and she aspires to seek His direction in all things. Her passion is her 37 year marriage, her two amazing children, their spouses, and her three cherished grandchildren. Liz’s dedication to people’s well-being has fueled her 40 year nursing career. She loves serving in various ministries at Shartel Church of God, as well as in other local areas of outreach. Her heart’s desire is for Christ to use her to shine hope and direction for hearts to thrive in HIS love. (Mark 10:27) “With God all things are possible.”


Independent Counselor


Jill is a Certified Biblical Counselor and she enjoys walking alongside those who are hurting and struggling; helping them find hope and help in applying God’s word to the practical issues of life. She cofounded a non-profit, LoveNet Ministry, which is a Discipleship House. Her primary passion is counseling children and young adults. She has three adult children and enjoys spending time with her four grandchildren.

Independent Counselor

Tonya Gray

Tonya is a Certified Biblical Counselor who has lived in the Moore/Norman area since 1969. She has been married for over 43 years and has three daughters and eight grandchildren! Her passion is to come alongside those struggling and share the love of God by pointing to Him and searching His Word.


Independent Counselor

Marcy Turner

Marcy is a certified biblical counselor whose desire is to walk among those who are challenged by life’s struggles and roadblocks. Through the application of God’s Word and His Love, her hope is to have them see a transformation in their lives for the Glory of God. Marcy is married and has three adult children and three grandchildren.


Independent Counselor

Tiffany Howard

Tiffany obtained her certification in biblical counseling in 2010, and her primary passion is in counseling children. She has a strong commitment to serving and caring for others during their times of need. Tiffany, her husband of over 15 years, and their three children serve in their local church, as well as other organizations. One verse she finds comfort in is 1 Peter 5:7: “Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.”


Independent Counselor

Chris Howard

Chris is a counselor who has spent most of his life serving others. Through his desire to disciple and shepherd others, he has been led to serve in this capacity. Chris and his wife, Tiffany, are happy to be able to help those seeking a deeper relationship with God. Proverbs 1:7 says, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.”


Independent Counselor

Frankie Watts

Frankie has a heart to show God’s compassion, love and grace to His people, which led her to be a counselor. Her prayer is to point others to see themselves as Christ sees them - as victors, not victims, and set free from past hurts. Frankie founded Watts of Love Ministries, which serves single moms in honor of her single mother who raised nine children alone. She enjoys walking, reading, leading Bible Studies, and sharing her personal testimony with various women’s groups. Frankie has been married to her husband for almost five decades! Together they have five children and eight grandchildren.