Hope In The Journey

Temple Care hosted a free seminar on Saturday, April 1, at the Shartel Church of God in south Oklahoma City.

What an honor it was to be before a room full of folks eager to hear what our counselors had spent months preparing for and praying over.

First, Jill Staats presented a powerful and impactful session on When Love Hurts: Facing Abuse.

God hates abuse! Does that sound harsh? Abuse is harsh!

Jill taught on abusive relationships. “What’s buried alive never dies.”

National Domestic Violence Hotline is 800-799-7233.

Second, Julie Busler shared about PTSD and how to respond to triggers. She shared how God is a God of hope, one who fights our battles. Nothing is wasted, not even trauma, triggers, or PTSD.

Then, Falen Tames taught on anxiety and the significance of breaths and our thought life.

She had the entire room of people take five breaths of a slow, steady cadence which helps whether we are anxious and to combat anxiety even when we’re calm.

Inhale for four seconds;
Hold your breath for four seconds;
Then exhale for eight seconds.

And the grand finale of the seminar was a co-presentation of Vickie Anderson and Liz Gunter, who shared what self-care in grief looks like.

Grief is not only about a death, it’s an emotional response to a “loss.”

Whether it’s a loss of a friend or a loss of an expectation, grief occurs.

Grief can be healthy and it can be unhealthy.

Jesus comforts the broken-hearted.

So much goes into the planning and preparation of an event like this. Temple Care would like to thank the Shartel Church of God for hosting us so well, offering their classroom, kitchen, and many parking spaces to accommodate us. We would also like to thank each presenter, who prayed relentlessly and invested into so many hearts that day.

Most importantly, we thank the Lord God Almighty for his call, purpose, and heart for each of us and each of you! May He be glorified always!

We would love to hear from you!

Were you able to attend our Hope In The Journey Class? What was most impactful to you? Do you have suggestions or input for our next seminar?


Open House


Parenting Well Class